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What we do and how we do it


Consulting on AML&KYC Procedures

in Lithuania

We hold strong competencies in all matters of AML processes for CASP companies and this includes the formal documentation, both their drafting, amending and audit

Image by Jason Goodman

Oversight & Feedback

on the AML tools

With the comprised expertise of consulting more than 100 CASPs, we have gained extensive competencies in supporting with advice on where to better and how to better organize your company internal tools and active automation of AML procedures - further monitoring them in practice on a routine basis

Drafting and fulfilling 
Risk scoring and questionnaires

Our legal team and the experienced senior compliance staff will revise and amend if necessary any formal documentation before you start your VASP activities incl. AML rules and procedures, SAR template, Risk scoring sheet, etc.

Image by John Schnobrich

Performing Reporting to Lithuanian authorities

According to the current AML law in Lithuania, a standard VASP has to perform active reporting duties including all transactions exceeding EUR 15'000 equivalent, further to suspicious, high-risk, and fraud-related events

Other relevant Legal services to UAB companies

Anything within company management that may include Shareholder resolution with agenda to increase the share capital, change a legal address, order corporate documentation with Notary and Apostille certification, and amendments to the Article of Association (Statutes) our legal team can assist

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